For speed training we use a technique called “Extreme Slow” on the ARP POV. The athlete goes through their running motion ONE TIME, over a 5 minute period. What occurs is two-fold:
- High Velocity Muscle Contractions
The signals being sent from the ARP POV are neurologically contracting the muscle at 245 X per second, which is high velocity. When this occurs, the brain sends mechanisms to support this high velocity in the form of fuel and additional muscle actions (muscles they have probably never used for sprinting and speed), etc.The muscles are telling the brain that they are training at max velocity, so the brain sends support for that to continually occur.This greatly benefits the athlete by creating a new foundation of neuromuscular support as if they were training at max velocity; which allows them to achieve feats of strength and speed they could never replicate in a weight room. - Elimination Of Compensatory Actions
By doing it in Extreme Slow, the athlete can train at this high velocity without compensatory actions.For example, if you are max bench pressing and trying to get that final rep; you would probably arch your back, use your stronger arm a little more than the other to compensate and push it to the final point. That is compensatory actions.If you were to run as fast as you could over 100 yards, in the last 10 yards you swing your arms harder, bend your head lower, or use other positions or compensatory actions to finish the sprint.In Extreme Slow, however, you can do it with proper form and even correct certain flaws in motion, which would be impossible to do in real time.Remember, while you are doing this, the muscles and nervous system think this is occurring at max velocity and max speed so you are creating muscle memory of this action and doing so with almost perfect form.
The muscles neurologically think you are training at max velocity with hundreds of reps which creates a new neurological muscle memory pattern and the brain sends mechanisms to support these actions; making you STRONGER and FASTER.
Contact us today for your FREE, No-Obligation initial consultation and treatment to experience this amazing FDA Approved technology for yourself!
Available Sport Protocols
At Neuro Sports Performance, we can create tailor made protocols to meet your specific performance goals.
- Baseball Pitcher’s Velocity Program
- Baseball Batter’s Speed Protocol
- Speed and Agility Protocol
- Total Baseball Program
- Baseball Loosening Protocol
- Softball Pitcher’s Velocity Program
- Softball Batter’s Speed Protocol
- Speed and Agility Protocol
- Total Softball Program
- Softball Loosening Protocol
- Football Quarterback Protocol
- Football Speed and Agility Protocol
- Football Loosening Protocol
- Basketball Speed and Agility Protocol
- Basketball Vertical Leap Protocol
- Basketball Loosening Protocol
- Soccer Speed and Agility Protocol
- Soccer Kicking Protocol
- Soccer Running Protocol
- Soccer Loosening Protocol
- Gymnastics Stork Balance Protocol
- Gymnastics Pushup Hands Protocol
- Gymnastics Loosening Protocol
- Wrestling Shooting for Takedown Protocol
- Wrestling Loosening Protocol
- Golfer’s Swing Protocol
- Golfer’s Putting Protocol
- Golfer’s Loosening Protocol
- Power Lifting Clean and Jerk Protocol
- Power Lifting Dead Lift Protocol
- Power Lifting Bench Press Protocol
- Power Lifting Agility Protocol
- Power Lifting Loosening Protocol
- Track & Field Speed and Agility Protocol
- Track & Field Power Events Protocol
- Track & Field Loosening Protocol
- Tennis Serve Velocity Protocol
- Tennis Speed and Agility Protocol
- Tennis Forehand Swing Protocol
- Tennis Backhand Swing Protocol
- Tennis Loosening Protocol
- MMA Power Punch Protocols
- MMA Power Kick Protocols
- MMA Speed and Agility Protocol
- MMA Loosening Protocol
- Boxing Punching Protocol
- Boxing Full Squat Protocol
- Boxing Loosening Protocol
- Sprints Running Protocol
- Sprints Full Squat Protocol
- Running Loosening Protocol