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Tennis Player Uses ARPwave for Shoulder and Back Pain

For young athletes like Ellis, balancing sports, academics, and daily activities can be a daunting task, especially when plagued by persistent pain. Ellis, a dedicated and skilled tennis player, faced significant challenges with shoulder and back pain that affected not only her performance on the court but also her everyday life. Her experience with ARPwave therapy at Neuro Sports Performance and Rehab provides an illuminating case study on the benefits of this innovative treatment.

As a rising high school senior actively engaged in both club and varsity tennis, Ellis’s shoulder and back pain was more than a minor inconvenience; it hindered her ability to play tennis, disrupted her sleep, and even made simple tasks like driving uncomfortable. Traditional methods of pain relief and rehabilitation offered limited success, leaving Ellis searching for a more effective solution. This is where ARPwave therapy came into play.

The ARPwave system utilizes electrical stimulation to accelerate the body’s natural healing processes, targeting the source of pain and promoting rapid recovery. Ellis reported an immediate reduction in pain levels after beginning ARPwave treatment, which significantly improved her quality of life. Not only was she able to sleep better and drive without discomfort, but she also experienced relief while engaging in everyday activities such as writing and typing.

The true testament to the efficacy of ARPwave therapy came when Ellis was able to return to playing tennis multiple times a week, eventually competing in three matches without any pain. This remarkable turnaround allowed her to resume her rigorous athletic routine and get back into the gym, regaining the physical fitness crucial for her sport. The swift and effective pain relief provided by ARPwave therapy played a pivotal role in Ellis’s recovery and return to high-level athletic performance.

Ellis’s story underscores the transformative impact ARPwave therapy can have on young athletes dealing with chronic pain. For those struggling with injuries that impede their ability to play sports or perform daily activities, Neuro Sports Performance and Rehab offers a promising solution. Ellis’s positive experience serves as a powerful recommendation for ARPwave therapy, highlighting its potential to restore athletes to their peak performance and enhance their overall well-being.



“Hello, my name is Ellis. I’m a rising high school senior and I play club and varsity tennis. I came into the clinic [Neuro Sports Performance and Rehab] because I was experiencing shoulder and back pain. Which was affecting my playing, my sleeping and my driving. After starting my ARPwave treatment, i noticed an immediate reduction in my pain levels. This helped me with my writing, my typing, my sleeping and my driving. After completing my ARPwave therapy I have gone back to playing tennis multiple times a week and getting back into the gym. Yesterday I played a total of three matches pain free! I recommend ARPwave therapy at Neuro Sports Performance and Rehab for anyone who is injured or experiencing difficulty playing their sport. ”

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Neuro Sports Performance and Rehab is the leading sports medicine and pain management clinic in San Antonio. We offer accelerated injury recovery, pain management, post-surgery rapid rehab, and sports performance and fitness services, using the FDA approved, patented, proprietary, and proven ARPwave system.

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