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“I found out about this therapy from a trusted friend. I had a fall overseas and broke my fibula and tore up my shoulder. I started out working just my shoulder and while it cannot “fix” my rotator tears it has greatly helped my pain and mobility. I am now trying it on my leg to speed the delayed union I am experiencing. The staff has been very kind in going slowly for me in my treatments because of the amount of pain I am experiencing with my injuries. Everyone is so kind to explain the process and to work with my individual needs.”

“Back in 2014, I had a full reconstruction of my left shoulder and a separated AC joint in my right shoulder. Over the years, I tried multiple forms of therapy…but I wasn’t able to find the root of the problem. [The ARPwave at Neuro Sports Performance] actually helped me find the location of the problem…and from there, I was able to actually get that atrophy away, get my scapula firing the way it used to be…and get back to doing what I wanted to do. ”

“Since I started doing the ARPwave, it just totally renovated the whole recovery and rebuilding process to the point of where I was back on the baseball field within 5 1/2 months of surgery…which is undheard of.”

“When I got hooked up to the ARPwave machine, I was a little nervous, just because of how everyone was treating my arm. But when I actually felt the ARPwave I knew I was going to be OK! And when they took it off, and I immediately felt better, I finally got a sense of relief, and a sense of hope, and I wanted to get back on it right away.”

“My activity had gone down because of the pain and limited use of the shoulder. I ran into a fellow veteran…who asked me to come out and try the ARPwave therapy. I gave it a shot and felt the difference in the initial first session I had. I felt energized. My pain was 50% down. I’m back to my active lifestyle of playing [and coaching] wheelchair basketball.”

“Sure enough, about half way through the treatment I noticed I was completely Pain Free, with increased mobility and range of motion.”

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