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ARPwave Testimonial for Neuropathy, Chronic Back Pain and Multiple Failed Surgeries

Living with chronic pain and mobility issues can significantly diminish one’s quality of life, a reality John knows all too well. Having undergone thirteen major surgeries—including seven back surgeries, a knee replacement, and a hip replacement—John faced severe neuropathy and the loss of function in his left leg. Despite trying numerous treatments, his condition continued to deteriorate. His story took a positive turn when he discovered ARPwave therapy at Neuro Sports Performance and Rehab, an experience that brought remarkable improvements to his life.

John’s journey to ARPwave began through a friend’s remarkable recovery from severe mobility issues. Intrigued and hopeful, John decided to explore this therapy. Upon consultation with Travis at Neuro Sports Performance, John learned about the ARPwave system’s potential to address his extensive medical issues, including severe back pain and foot drop. Unlike conventional treatments, ARPwave therapy uses electrical stimulation to target and strengthen specific muscles, promoting healing and functional improvement.

From the outset, John experienced significant changes. Initially focusing on his back, foot, and leg, the therapy gradually restored sensation and strength in his lower extremities. For the first time in years, John could feel the texture of grass and the floor beneath his feet, a profound sensory restoration that marked the beginning of his recovery. Over the months, his calf muscles regained mass, and his overall balance improved, reducing his risk of falls—a frequent and dangerous issue he previously faced.

The impact of ARPwave therapy extended beyond physical improvements. John was able to resume activities he once thought impossible, such as dancing and walking without the fear of falling. These changes not only enhanced his physical health but also his mental well-being, offering him a new lease on life. His story is a powerful testament to the long-term benefits of ARPwave therapy, especially for those who have exhausted other treatment options without success.

John’s transformation underscores the effectiveness of ARPwave therapy in treating severe neuropathy and muscle dysfunction. His journey from debilitating pain and limited mobility to renewed activity and independence highlights the potential of this innovative therapy. For anyone struggling with chronic pain or mobility issues, John’s experience offers hope and a compelling reason to consider ARPwave therapy at Neuro Sports Performance and Rehab.



“My name is John. I was introduced to ARPwave through a friend of mine, sitting eating lunch one day. Actually, talking to a friend of mine’s wife. Which we all went to school together. She he told me about his [her husband’s] situation, and I was really shocked in the change of his life. He actually went from in a walker, dragging his left foot, to walking without a cane. I got really excited about it so I called and checked it out.

When I got here, I talked to Travis. He was one of the gentlemen that introduced me to it [ARPwave Therapy]. We sat down and we went over the procedure, and I decided to go with the whole program because I have a lot of issues. I have had thirteen major surgeries; seven back surgeries, one knee replaced, and one hip replaced. In the process [of those surgeries] I lost the use of my left leg. The neuropathy had really set in. I couldn’t raise my foot. I had what they called foot flop [also know as foot drop] and severe big toe flop. I couldn’t move my little very much and my balance was way off. There was a chance that I was falling down 8-10 times a day. Thank God for playing football because I learned to roll and fall. As time went on the situation got worse. This all started in 2016 and here it is 2022. I was up for another back surgery, when I finally came in [to Neuro Sports Performance and Rehab]. I had severe pain in my back. One screw had wallered out, one screw had the nut come off. Out of nine screws, one bar was broken and lots of pain there.

So as I started the [ARPwave] program. We started mainly with my back and my foot, and my leg. Identifying all the problems that we had and muscle that wasn’t working at all. So we began to strengthen my back and strengthen my left leg. My calves over time actually got as big as 3/4 of an inch larger in circumference. Which really amazed me. The first thing I ran across, was it’s something that takes time. This has been going on for eight months, seven to eight months. After starting my ARPwave therapy, the first thing I really noticed was the feeling coming back in the bottom of my feet. I could feel the grass under my feet as I walked around outside. I could feel the floor. I have a tile floor, and I could actually feel the floor. Where before I couldn’t feel the floor at all. And slowly but surely the strength became to come back in my calves and legs and my ankles. It was amazing as we went through this. Again, it’s not a quick process. It’s like going to the gym and working out. It’s something that takes place slowly but it’s worth every minute of it. I spent time, a lot of time since 2016 after a back surgery in 2016 when I lost my left leg [function]. I spent a lot of time going to different places. Doctor’s telling me “Hey, you got neuropathy. There is nothing good about it. You can take gabapentin”. I read up on gabapentin side-effects and I don’t want to take that. The pain was there. So, I probably spent at least $20,000 on other things. Other things that you know doctor’s that were doing thing. It worked a little bit but nothing like this [ARPwave Therapy].

I just can’t over it. I’m amazed at how my toes work. My big toe just started working today in a fashion that was incredible. I’m able to go dancing. I’m able to walk without falling down. Yesterday I went walking with my girlfriend. We walked in the park and I didn’t have a fear of falling down. And that’s something that really, when you struggle with that, for the last four to five to six years, it’s a life change. I thought, I had almost given up and said this is a waste of being the rest of my life, but it’s not.

With ARPwave it has just changed amazingly the way I can do things and it is just really incredible. I would encourage anybody to give this a try, that has tried everything else. Because this ARPwave is totally different from a TENS unit. I have friends that go “oh, that’s just a TENS unit”. No it’s not. It does something a TENS unit cannot. I have owned TENS units. I’ve paid a lot of money to have TENS units put on me. I’ve had STEM cells shot into my nerves, what they call PRP and STEM cells and it’s amazing how that helped a little but wasn’t something that changed in like a permanent way. Again, I just encourage you to give it [ARPwave Therapy] a try.”


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Neuro Sports Performance and Rehab is the leading sports medicine and pain management clinic in San Antonio. We offer accelerated injury recovery, pain management, post-surgery rapid rehab, and sports performance and fitness services, using the FDA approved, patented, proprietary, and proven ARPwave system.

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